Sanyo głośnik samochodowy KH2442 / CH2442 Podręcznik

Instrukcje PDF
202 Strony Polski

Sanyo głośnik samochodowy KH2442 / CH2442
4. Service procedures
IV - 38
(7) Automatic Address Setting Method (8) Displaying Indoor / Outdoor Unit Com-
bination Numbers
Display the indoor / outdoor unit address after auto-
matic address setting.
(1) When installing multiple units, match the indoor
unit address numbers and the outdoor R.C.
address numbers and display them at an easy-to-
check location (near the nameplate) with an oil-
based magic marker or other indelible marker so
that the individual indoor and outdoor unit combi-
nations can be checked.
Outdoor Unit 1 – Indoor Units 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, ....
Outdoor Unit 2 – Indoor Units 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, ....
(2) This is necessary for maintenance. Always label
*Check indoor unit address with the remote
controller. Press the button for at least 4
seconds and check the indoor unit address with
the button. (Each time you press the
button, the address changes 1-1, 1-2, ...
2-1, 2-2, ...) The fan for only the selected indoor
unit turns on at high speed, so check which
indoor unit runs and label the indoor unit address.
(If there is 1 outdoor unit, the addresses are 1-1,
1-2, ...)
When you press the button again, the system
returns to normal remote control mode.
— For group control and central control with multiple
outdoor units —
Carry out automatic address setting with the
remote controller.
(1) All auto. address operation
1 Press the and ( ) buttons at
the same time for more than 4 seconds.
2 Press the button after confirming the
CODE No. AA (CODE No. AA: All Auto.
address operation).
After addresses are automatically set in
order for the outdoor units from No. 1 to No.
30, the system returns to the normal
stopped state.
(2) Individual auto. address operation for each
refrigerant circuit
1 To select each refrigerant circuit individually
and set addresses automatically, press the
and ( ) buttons at the same
time for more than 4 seconds, then press
the , ( ) button once to set
CODE No. A1.
(CODE No. A1: Auto. address operation)
2 Select R.C. No. which you want to execute
the auto. address operation with
3 Press the button. The auto. address
operation will start. CODE No. changes from
flashing to ON state.
4 If the error is happened during the operation,
the alarm message will display. Check and
remove the cause. If you want to interrupt
the operation, press the button then the
unit stands in waiting mode (Press the
5 If the auto. address operation finishes, the
display will disappear.
6 Execute the operation of the other R.C. line
in the same way by following the above
steps 2 to 3.
7 Complete the auto. address operation by
pressing the button.
Required time for auto. address operation:
In case of group control :
a few minutes for each R.C.
In case of central control
: max. about 20 min. for
each R.C.
Powiązane instrukcje dla Sanyo głośnik samochodowy KH2442 / CH2442