Whirlpool system wodny WHES30 Podręcznik

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39 Strony Polski

Whirlpool system wodny WHES30
Add Water and Salt to the Salt Storage Tank
1. Using a container, add about t hree gallons of clean water i nto t he salt storage tank.
2. Add salt to the storage tank. Use nugget, pellet or coarse solar salts with less than 1% impurities.
NOTE: See “Routine Maintenance Section” for additional information on salt.
Persons who are on sodium restricted diets should consider the adde d sodium as part of their overal l sodium intake.
For example, if your water supply is 15 grains hard, and you drank 3 quarts of softene d water you would consume
335 milligrams of sodium. That is equivalent to eating 2--1/2 slices of white bread.
NOTE: The salt monitor system is cali brated to the density of nugget or pellet water softener salt. The monitor
will not work as accurately with other types of salt including rock and solar.
If you choose Potassium Chloride (KCl) as a regenerant, following these suggestions will help give you years of
maintenance free service.
1. Place only one bag of KCl in your softener at a time (the salt storage tank should contain no more than 60
pounds of KCl at any one time).
2. A softener using KCl should not be placed in areas with temperature fluctuations and high humidity (KCl will
harden in these e nvironments and may make the softener inoperable).
3. Check the brine tank and brine well (black tube in salt storage tank) monthly. If hardening is present, pour sma ll
amounts of warm water on hardened areas until they loosen.
4. If your softener does not have a KCl salt setting you must increase your hardness setting by 25% to ensure
continuous soft water as in example below.
Raw Wa ter Hardness Softener Setting Raw Water Hardness Softener Se tting
(Grains per Gallon) When Using KCl (Grains per Gallon) When Using KCl
5gpg +25%= 7gpg 25gpg +25%= 32gpg
10 gpg 13 gpg 30 gpg 38 gpg
15 gpg 19 gpg 35 gpg 44 gpg
20 gpg 25 gpg 40 gpg 50 gpg
Sanitize the Softener/Sanitize After Service
1. Open salt hole cover and remove the brinewell cover and pour about 1--1/2 oz. (2 to 3 t ablespoons) of household
bleach into the softener brinewell. Replace the brinewell cover.
2. Make sure the bypass valve(s) is in the service (open) position.
3. Sanitize procedure will be completed when first cycle is run and sanitizing solution is flushed from the water
Plug in Water Softener
During installation, the water softener wiring may be moved or jostled from place. Check to be sure all leadwire
connec tors are secure on the back of the electronic board and be sure all wiring is away from the valve gear and motor
area, which rotates during regenerations.
1. Plug the water softener into an electrical outlet that is not controlled by a switch.
The water heater is filled with hard water and, as hot water is used, it refills with conditioned water. In a few days, the
hot water will be fully conditioned. To have fully conditioned hot water immediately, wait until the initial recharge
is over. Then, drain the water heater (following instructions for water heater) until water runs cold.
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